Saturday, February 19, 2011

The Truth.

The truth. Is that not what everyone wishes for every once in awhile? Or would everyone rather go on through life being happy, believing the lies that are told to them? Me, I don't know which I prefer. The truth keeps my feet on the ground, while lies keep my heart in the clouds. Sometimes, however, I fear the truth. The truth is always a scary deal. You never know what will be said, while lies are safe, you can always predict what will be told. Every time I'm lied to though, I feel like dying a little bit inside, I feel as if I'm never good enough for the truth. Just once, just one time, I wish someone would tell me the truth. I don't care if it hurts me, I don't care if it kills me, just be honest with me. Honesty. It's something I want, but something I'll never have.

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