Thursday, March 10, 2011

I Saw God Today

Due to some unfortunate incidents, I was without my phone today. I am usually a technology dependent person, and haven't dealt without it for years now, so when that changed I had no idea what to do. At first I was angry, and then I decided music would calm me down. So I put on my music, layed down and just closed my eyes and began to think. Not just thinking about random things, but I really felt myself melt into my subconcious and thought about things that I usually try to ignore or cover up. Thinking about my past, and my future, I really awakened myself. I'm tired of being somebody I hate. The only place I can really share the person who has been locked away inside is right here. Thinking about everything, I've decided what I have to do, and I decided what I want. And I will do anything to get it.

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